Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Type 2 Journal Entry

I listened to the show where Debbie Millman's guests were Steven Heller and Lita Talarico.
I found it interesting when Debbie was saying that most young designers do not think about the fact that a client may not like their work at all. Steven Heller's response to this was that its not failure unless the designer hasn't come up with a strategy if the client's don't like their work. Debbie also stated that it is not a good idea to fight with the client about not liking something because you will never convince them to like it and it will only make the situation worse.

"Designer's should always anticipate that which should be anticipated"

Debbie Millman is the host of Design Matters, an internet talk radio show about graphic design. Debbie Millman has guests on her show to discuss and share opinions about graphic design, branding, and cultural anthropology.

1 comment:

RAKA said...

These podcasts are full of super interesting info and great designers. I would keep it bookmarked and listen to as many as you can when you have spare time.